Explore the best institutes which are offering distance learning MBA and BBA courses in India.
Find the Best Distance MBA Colleges
Find out which colleges in India provide the best distance learning MBA & BBA courses.
Symbiosis SCDL, Pune
Symbiosis School of Distance Learning was established in 2001 and the courses are accredited... -
IMT Ghaziabad
According to Business Today 2021 stats IMT Ghaziabad is ranked 5th among Private B-Schools. ... -
MIT Pune
MIT is a constituent of MAEER's MIT Pune, established in the year 2008. MAEER's MIT was... -
Chandigarh University (IDOL)
Established in 2012 Chandigarh University is the finest Distance Education University... -
IIT Bombay
Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management (popularly known as SJMSOM or simply SOM) is a... -
NITIE, Mumbai
Established in 1963, National Institute of Industrial Engineering (also known as NITIE)...
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