Executive MBA
Duration of Courses :
15 Months
Fee Structure :
INR 39,63,000
Mode :
The Indian School of Business (ISB) is counted among the top Business Schools in India. The institute has primarly evolved from the need for a world-class business school in Asia. ISB is popularly known for its commitment to create strong leaders through its innovative programmes, outstanding faculty and thought leadership. The institute is entirely funded by private corporations, foundations and individuals from around the world. The triple accreditation, also known as the ‘Triple Crown’ is awarded by the three largest and most influential global accreditation organisations. Held by less than 1% of all schools, ISB is only the 100th institution to receive this rare honour.
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
- Manufacturing Pro Seminar
- Service Operation Management
- Total Quality Management and Lean Production
- Project Management
- Operation Strategy
- Pricing & RevenueOptimization
- Strategic Procurement
- Forecasting Analytics
- Strategic Performance Management
- Sustainable Manufacturing and Operations
- Executive MBA
- Online MBA
- Data Science Programs
- City Wise Programs